Monday, April 30, 2012

Almost.... Nearly....

I'm 3 days away from my last day in college. After 4 years of studying, complaing and eventually doing assignments, it's all coming to an end. Of course I started my blog way back in 2007, when I started my BA in Public Relations. Yes I was stupid and took a year out after first year! In hindsight I learnt a lot from that time away from the course and I came back and have got on really well as a result. My grades have improved and I'm looking forward to entering and perhaps one day even WORKING in the PR industry!

We have 3 big end of year exams, and one other exam which was a class test that has been moved because of it's seriousness. So there is some messiness yet to be attended to! However, again it's about looking forward, being positive and above ALL the other stuff - this is my last week of classes EVER!! That's insane to even think about yet alone even be experiencing, so I want to enjoy this week to it's fullest and give it all I got.

I hope everyone at some point in their lives goes through what I've been through and feels good about it on the other side. Life is full of choices and it's your ability to adapt and stick by them through good and bad that defines you as a person.

Happy last day of Spring to everyone too!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Friends' New Blog

Hey people, Happy New Years!
Its been a long time since I've been online and posting but anyway, better late than never! A couple of guys, the Dereks, (as we in our group of friends like to call them), have started a brand new baking blog called: 

Its really good guys check it out! Not only is it funny and good craic to follow, but its got good homemade and hand-tested recipes that anyone can try. Its also great to read a blog thats nice and got plenty of the personal and friendly touch for once. There's so much doom and gloom about in the world today, and its very dark stuff that you can read online. But this blog is a nice little treat (if you'll pardon the pun) and a great place to start if you're looking to get back in the kitchen and cooking with family and friends!

These 2 are my friends and I've known Derek C for a long long time now, so I call them the Ds! If you have some free time or are looking to make your own food so you can finally watch what you eat, (like a lot of people at this time of year, myself included!!), then this is a good idea for you!
So please, check it out : 

Enjoy the blog guys, Happy belated New Years again, and happy baking!
