Monday, April 30, 2012

Almost.... Nearly....

I'm 3 days away from my last day in college. After 4 years of studying, complaing and eventually doing assignments, it's all coming to an end. Of course I started my blog way back in 2007, when I started my BA in Public Relations. Yes I was stupid and took a year out after first year! In hindsight I learnt a lot from that time away from the course and I came back and have got on really well as a result. My grades have improved and I'm looking forward to entering and perhaps one day even WORKING in the PR industry!

We have 3 big end of year exams, and one other exam which was a class test that has been moved because of it's seriousness. So there is some messiness yet to be attended to! However, again it's about looking forward, being positive and above ALL the other stuff - this is my last week of classes EVER!! That's insane to even think about yet alone even be experiencing, so I want to enjoy this week to it's fullest and give it all I got.

I hope everyone at some point in their lives goes through what I've been through and feels good about it on the other side. Life is full of choices and it's your ability to adapt and stick by them through good and bad that defines you as a person.

Happy last day of Spring to everyone too!