Wednesday, December 5, 2007

NOOOOooooo..... I'm late!

So, this is supposed to be in by 10 pm but I got in from work at 10pm! Oh well whether it counts or not, I liked doing these blogs! It was a fun project and a lot less stressful than the other 3 so far! Anyway, since I have a blog now, I might as well use it to report an actual bit of good news! It's not amazing or anything, just that I got my exam for 4pm tomorrow moved to nine am and that means I can get into work back in swords from 3.30 til 9! I can actually afford Christmas this year! Well we'll see, because I actually don't know how much I'm being paid for over time yet... Today I washed clothes, dried them and did some dishes too! I'm all house-wifey! I know that's not a word but it's kind of an acronym (is that it? if it's not then boy do I look stpuid right now!... Well, not really, you can't see my face!) so it counts in my dictionary!! And that's the only one that matters....

My daddy made dinner for me, I feel loved! Oh, it's cold spaghetti bolognese, never mind dad, I HATE YOU!! Can I have money for Oxegen? Please? I know he'll say no, but no harm in asking right? It's 3 days this year!! WOW! And since it's going to be my first year, it will be a mad experience altogether!! I can't wait!! it's like €20 extra to camp on the Thursday until the Sunday but that's grand because the tickets are like €190 already anyway so not too bad since you end up saving regardless... I don't even know who's playing and I don't even care to be honest! It's just a drunken weekend and the "festival" is just an excuse. Like I need an excuse, my weekend starts on Thursdays anyway, so it makes no difference to me!

If there was a new Snow White, I would be the new 8th dwarf, Wasted and Snow White would not be able to climb into her bead in the film as I would already have passed out on it and if she dare try to get in, I'll vomit in her face!!! Hahahahaha I love it! Bet you she won't though.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I got it yay..... oh no, it's already crap.

So I got my rackets yesterday in the post. I came home from college and my little brother runs down the stairs (as he always does to tell me information that he thinks I'll like or want or even need to hear because it means he knew it first, which gives him an incredible amount of self-satisfaction but anyway on with my racket story oh hang on must close these brackets), (there we go!) and he tells me that my new rackets I ordered from Milletsports from their shop in North West London over the internet. Well turns out that they sent me the rackets in perfect condition, only one problem though.... No strings. Well as you can imagine, or perhaps you can't due to the fact you dont know that a tennis racket has strings, I was furious! No disclaimer on the website telling and, well even warning their customers that string are NOT included! I think that goes under the "false advertising" bracket, don't you? I just thought I should post this because I think it's pretty outrageous that they think it's legal because it's over the internet. They took credit card details off me and did not provide what I thought I had paid for. That being said however, I got beautiful new rackets at a good reduced price, unheard of on other sites and if I had ordered my own custom strings (which I would have preferred to do anyway but couldn't thinking I would be spending too much of mammy's money on my Christmas present the Sunday before last), it would have cost possibly another £30, which is about €45! It's €50 to get the strings I want and to have them actually applied to the racket for me in N-Zone in Kinsealy which isn't that far from where I live, (about a 15 min drive with no traffic.) And with the strings adding to the weight of the over all order I put in, the total price including delivery would have incresed by more than €50, I think anyway. I'm not actually that bothered by it, but it's just annoying to have to get them strung now before Christmas morning and especially annoying because I won't get to use them probably until December 27th at the earliest, and that's if I'm not working. Oh well back to the Santa present cubboard they go..... Still tho, can't wait, can u? It's only 20 days now!! Less and less the more you read!! Amazing how time flies when you don't have time to track it, isn't it?

I DID IT!!!!

So college semester one is nearly over. And today I had 2 of those end of semester exams. One was a re-sit (because I missed the first) and the other was the quickest test ever! BSA (business software applications) actually took 5 minutes to circle my mostly guessed answers, it was deadly!! I did study but mostly stuff from the last lecture so it was grand. But some stuff was a tad off the wall like who's ever heard of the word "proxy"?! Madness! Haha.... Anywho I think I did ok in both and since I've already passed all but 2 subjects so far, and this blog is part of one of them (Online PR), 10% for just guessing the right age of my lecturer maybe?? Yeah I think you should because I'm deadly! Did you know Adam has both Irish and Asian parents? Yeah... I hate that guy. Not becaus eof his heritage that I just made up, but because of his shameless inuendo. He's disgraceful. I think I should start a petition to have him castrated.... Perhaps, after a nap and some cottage cheese. Don't you hate when you mispell cheese as chess? So embarassing.

So I listened to a bit of Britney's new album and I have to say fair play to her for getting back at the media for ruining her. Yes a lot was self-inflicted by letting them get to her, but a lot was all specualtion and accumaltion of false data collected by money hungry photgraphers. I think it's not half bad actually! Fair play for getting right back up on that work horse Britney! Well, it would hardly be her now would it? Without her on top of something or some one.