Wednesday, December 9, 2009

3rd CA Blog

Well better late then never I always say ( well I do now). Anyway this is my 3rd blog and the site I chose to look at or use was
This is another tennis website but its the official mens tour one so I got the majority of my info off that and it was easier to compose the bios this way. Its a really well put together website much the same as the women's except heavier on the statistics and information but its all useful! To me, its a tad more interactive which is why I find it good. I found out a lot of things I previously didn't know too which is always good! I liked the main home page because it looks so clean and smooth and the site seems so much more intereactive because of it.
That being said I still prefer to use the women's site because I prefer the women's tour but only just! Player scheduals is what they're both missing and its a shame because that's the best way to track where a players going ot be over the course of the year.
I've enjoyed writing these blogs and doing this CA although it was kind of complicated but once you get into the swing of things then its gets easier. Thanks to Peter and the rest of the class for helping me out and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

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