Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So that's Nicole Vaidisova. Very talented young woman. Only 18 years old, and achieving some of the heights of women's tennis and earning millions already! Putting my personal achievements to shame.... boo, hiss!!! She's a lovely person to talk to, very smart and articulate and is one of the bright young stars on the WTA Tour, but more importantly and most importantly, she has convinced me to buy a new racket. The Yonex RDS 003 looks amazing and I saw a special 2 racket deal on an English website last week while browsing on the Internet in the library ( had nothing better to do) and I fell in love. The racket should arrive within the next few days via British Mail perhaps and it's my Christmas present. Unfortunately I've seen my present now, and want to use it a month before I actually am allowed to. That's the catch but I think I'll buy myself an early pressie just so that I ain't tempted to stray to the wardrobe with the Santa presents and steal it away for a few hours! Can't wait for Christmas!! What's everyone getting? Leave comments, tell me, tell the world!! Which brings me onto my next topic really, the weather.... got cold quite fast this year, didn't it?? Why is that? Global Warming. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but warming means increasing in temperature doesn't it? So why do they say Global Warming when it's quite clearly getting colder now??!! It's not irony, it's stupidity and pure idiocy I say! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Women's Problems?!?!

So it's come to my attention, that there is a way of getting out of conversations be it with managers at work, or at home with parents, perhaps this year even with Santa..... Women's Problems! It seems if you say this to any of the above people, you automatically get out of trouble and your in the "all clear"! Sexist much??! Think about this situation for a second, you have worked hard all day, even helped some of your co-workers out with their own work and your tired and sore all over, and the boss comes over and says that while you assisted your co-worker in let's say moving a heavy box you failed to comply to all safety measures. You respond that it happened due to your co-worker almost dropping the box. So the manager responds with a "well she's not feeling good so I consider this your fault". This is unfair. Simple as! However you hear maybe later after work and your chatting to people and someone lets it slip that she had her period or possibly lied about it just to place blame on someone else.

Now imagine how you would feel if you were someone else. You were me. Standing there, and your mates tell you that you now have a mediocre reference about anti-safety compliance due to a co-workers lies! I think you might be peeved.... Just a tad perhaps?? I'm sorry but if I said that I was feeling a tad under the weather, and even if this was true, I would be told to grow up and stop messing around and that I'm being immature and welcome to the real world etc.... It's funny how women fought for the right to work for so long and now these girls come along and seem to be fighting against it! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for women's rights in fact I'm all about them, and I'm for real there! But seriously this ruins everything the women's movement stands for!! Guys can't do this, we can't lie about our health and be told "oh OK, well if you still feel ill in an hour or so you can go home". Sexism has done a 180 in the workplace it seems. Maybe guys should start playing the "gay" card?! If you say "I'm gay" they go easy on you perhaps? Well in my next blog you shall see the results! Toodles!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The "is it wrong questions"...

Just some questions that have opinion answers so no one's right or wrong really... except me So yeah add sum questions if u can think of them that is

1) Is it wrong to get a lift from a stranger home just because he says you have a nice ass? ( not speaking from experience )

2) Is it wrong to gate-crash a party of a person you know hates you just because you have a need to get drunk?

3) Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family?

4) Is it wrong to steal bread to sell for the money to pay off your drug bills because the "guys" are coming for ye if u don't pay them that 20 thousand u owe them by Monday at 5pm?

5) Is it wrong to have sex with some one offering commitment knowing that's what they wanna hear, then just abandon them afterwards like sum cheap whore?

6) Is it wrong to miss classes in school wen you know they either A: don't count or B: you don't need to attend them because you're finished course or well as far as your parents know you're finished?

7) Is it wrong to drink if you're a recovering alcoholic even though it's your wedding day?

8) Is it wrong to "have relations" with a tranny even after you found out their "little secret"?

9) Is it wrong to string some one along knowing that you're probably gonna get with some one way hotter and therefore better in the end?

10) Is it wrong to not help some one that is slowly being eaten by a giant snake just because they stole your favourite action man wen you were 5?

11) Is it wrong to walk around all day with your arms positioned so that you're showing people with your hands just how big your penis is when actually you were just meaning to show how big the fish you just caught is?

12) Is it wrong to confuse Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings or just way too easy?

13) Is it wrong to completely convince some one possibly a close loved one that you're dying from AIDS on April Fools Day?

14) Is it wrong to drug some one and then take advantage of them even though they're really hot? (Sue, I'm talking bout u!! )

15) Is it wrong to scream "terrorist attack" or "bomb" on a plane or in America now just to amuse yourself?

These are the questions that must be answered because they told me so... Now go kind people and bring some answers to life's great questions!!
I was really bored.....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bus strike??

I think we should be using the car nowadays, don't you? I mean if it is transport that can effectively work, why not? Buses also ruin environments don't they?
So bus strike yeah?? It's grand so it is! Sure no one needs to get a bus anyway! I hate bus drivers, in Swords we get all the lazy, boring and aggressive one's and its funny how the Swords one's went on strike, yet these new routes planned do NOT affect them unless they start switching shifts! Now there's talk of a nationwide strike, and that sounds delightful don't it?? Now not only can you barely get anywhere in Dublin(on time too), but now it will be all over the country people will be unable to travel because some guys in Dublin went on strike about things that don't really matter much! They get a pay rise which more than matches inflation every year and now they're striking because they are being asked to work for the money they earn? Oh please lads and ladies of CIE!! Go have your periods at home, lets not let the streets of Dublin run red with your monthly angry blood!!!! Most Irish businesses have decided to hire foreign workers for their wage agreements. They don't look for pay hikes you see, they look for more hours of work instead. They don't complain, because they know they're being over paid as it is for the job they do, so they keep their mouths shut and get on with the job at hand. If Dublin Bus was to hire thousands of foreigners to replace their current band of greedy land pirates, there would be uproar from all over the country! Then people would accuse the company of being unreasonable, but as it is I see very little support for this "strike". If the drivers want people to actually think they have a valid argument here, they should probably not have been so rude to their paying customers over the last, well who knows how many years!! Assholes don't get sympathy basically! Hahaha no wage increase for you!!! Speaking of wage increases, I just started, but already I need a new job, not because I'm that under paid, because I'm not getting enough hours to cover my expenses over a week. Apparently according to daddy (or half-assed provider) this job is to pay my way through college! Good luck with that man! Oh well i guess a few student loans for me...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i don't even care anymore

Here i missed exams i missed buses and i missed life I don't even care anymore! Its too hard to remember everything without a so called diary! And who thought it would be a good idea to put a bar in the college??? Eh I like it too much so i think its in our best interest to ban it... Like in all fairness we need to pass this course at least and bar dont help me no sir it dont!! I hated admitting I missed that bus to Ciara and like the only reason i did is coz i didn't get up in time really its all my fault but tis the lazy attitude which bothers me. Its like ah its only an exam not worth much percentage of my year anyway so why bother? Anyway, i'll just go in and head to the bar so why bother? Its so stupid!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How strange he looks..

Here, did anyone else notice that Paddy got his hair cut??! Its like where's sonic man? What have you done??! Tis crazy, he looks like he has lost weight but really it's just his hair. I'm gonna ask him if he got a razor job (most likely) or got a bowl and cut around his head which doesn't make sense unless he used an invisible bowl... I had Ricicles the other day for the first time in ages it was amazing... I loved every minute of the sweety goodness! I'm bored, you're boring me meg!!! Hate to be called meg, nobody likes Meg! She's simply the worst character ever to be on television.... I was listening to the radio, Spin 103.8 to be exact and they exposed Timbabland to be the fraudulent and untalented man he is!!!! They played bits of his songs and all he does is stand in the background and say "ey" in different ways... Sometimes he says "ya" instead for example in Justin Timberlake's "Sexyback" he just goes "ya" at every opportunity in the song, and this is his version of producing??
Timbaland >>>>>>>>>>Personally I agree with a texter inner which said that Timbaland is secretly Chewbacca!! I agree wholeheartedly with this statement as when you compare looks as you will see when you scroll back up, they might even be twins!! He doesn't fool me! He may have shaved his head but he is without a doubt at least a distant cousin of the furry, friendly wookie... They make they're sounds so similarly too, its scary the amount of resemblance you notice!! Leave me comments if you agree, if you don't well then I think you should leave now or I'll find you and force you to think about life in a deep and meaningful way and we all know that takes way too much time!! So there!