Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How strange he looks..

Here, did anyone else notice that Paddy got his hair cut??! Its like where's sonic man? What have you done??! Tis crazy, he looks like he has lost weight but really it's just his hair. I'm gonna ask him if he got a razor job (most likely) or got a bowl and cut around his head which doesn't make sense unless he used an invisible bowl... I had Ricicles the other day for the first time in ages it was amazing... I loved every minute of the sweety goodness! I'm bored, you're boring me meg!!! Hate to be called meg, nobody likes Meg! She's simply the worst character ever to be on television.... I was listening to the radio, Spin 103.8 to be exact and they exposed Timbabland to be the fraudulent and untalented man he is!!!! They played bits of his songs and all he does is stand in the background and say "ey" in different ways... Sometimes he says "ya" instead for example in Justin Timberlake's "Sexyback" he just goes "ya" at every opportunity in the song, and this is his version of producing??
Timbaland >>>>>>>>>>Personally I agree with a texter inner which said that Timbaland is secretly Chewbacca!! I agree wholeheartedly with this statement as when you compare looks as you will see when you scroll back up, they might even be twins!! He doesn't fool me! He may have shaved his head but he is without a doubt at least a distant cousin of the furry, friendly wookie... They make they're sounds so similarly too, its scary the amount of resemblance you notice!! Leave me comments if you agree, if you don't well then I think you should leave now or I'll find you and force you to think about life in a deep and meaningful way and we all know that takes way too much time!! So there!

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