Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bus strike??

I think we should be using the car nowadays, don't you? I mean if it is transport that can effectively work, why not? Buses also ruin environments don't they?
So bus strike yeah?? It's grand so it is! Sure no one needs to get a bus anyway! I hate bus drivers, in Swords we get all the lazy, boring and aggressive one's and its funny how the Swords one's went on strike, yet these new routes planned do NOT affect them unless they start switching shifts! Now there's talk of a nationwide strike, and that sounds delightful don't it?? Now not only can you barely get anywhere in Dublin(on time too), but now it will be all over the country people will be unable to travel because some guys in Dublin went on strike about things that don't really matter much! They get a pay rise which more than matches inflation every year and now they're striking because they are being asked to work for the money they earn? Oh please lads and ladies of CIE!! Go have your periods at home, lets not let the streets of Dublin run red with your monthly angry blood!!!! Most Irish businesses have decided to hire foreign workers for their wage agreements. They don't look for pay hikes you see, they look for more hours of work instead. They don't complain, because they know they're being over paid as it is for the job they do, so they keep their mouths shut and get on with the job at hand. If Dublin Bus was to hire thousands of foreigners to replace their current band of greedy land pirates, there would be uproar from all over the country! Then people would accuse the company of being unreasonable, but as it is I see very little support for this "strike". If the drivers want people to actually think they have a valid argument here, they should probably not have been so rude to their paying customers over the last, well who knows how many years!! Assholes don't get sympathy basically! Hahaha no wage increase for you!!! Speaking of wage increases, I just started, but already I need a new job, not because I'm that under paid, because I'm not getting enough hours to cover my expenses over a week. Apparently according to daddy (or half-assed provider) this job is to pay my way through college! Good luck with that man! Oh well i guess a few student loans for me...

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