Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i don't even care anymore

Here i missed exams i missed buses and i missed life I don't even care anymore! Its too hard to remember everything without a so called diary! And who thought it would be a good idea to put a bar in the college??? Eh I like it too much so i think its in our best interest to ban it... Like in all fairness we need to pass this course at least and bar dont help me no sir it dont!! I hated admitting I missed that bus to Ciara and like the only reason i did is coz i didn't get up in time really its all my fault but tis the lazy attitude which bothers me. Its like ah its only an exam not worth much percentage of my year anyway so why bother? Anyway, i'll just go in and head to the bar so why bother? Its so stupid!!!

1 comment:

Cold Smoke said...

Stop talking smack about my bar holmes!